About Us

About Us

"Our rights are given by God, not government, and certainly not by men.  I believe the U.S. Constitution and the Declaration of Independence which coins the phrase "Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness," fully encompass the God given vision upon which this country was founded." -- Party Chairman, Rev. Christian Mays

The Warren County Republican Party periodically reviews and adopts its party platform principles. It last adopted the 2016 Republican National Committee Platform to guide the local party in its endeavors. 

If you don't already know, the Warren County Republican Party elected new leadership in June 2022 for a four-year term. Your leadership team includes:

Executive Committee:
Party Chairman: Rev. Christian Mays
Vice Chairman: Scott Lipps
Secretary: Kathy Grossmann
Treasurer: Randy Kuvin

Central Committee:
Chairman: Peter Mengel
Vice Chairman: Darlene Hicks
Secretary: Ginger Lehman
Treasurer: Kathy Brown

At-large Board Members include: Don Prince, John Roesch, Linda Burke, Rob Tuttle, Amy Brewer, Jane Fahrney, and Becky Bailey.

Audit Committee Members include: Russell “Rusty” Holman, Mike Hoffmaster, Scott Schitter, and Austin Kaiser.

We look forward to working with you. In the meantime, please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.